The Diehl Family Gathering Chicago 2009 / 2010
In August 2009 ten (10) Diehl cousins from Sweden visited Chicago. There was a very well attended “Cousins Picnic” at the home of Caron and Bruce Brennan in Villa Park in honor of their visit! Over 50 people were in attendance. Many of the cousins had not met before or had not seen each other for many years.
Back row:
Peter Hultkvist, Maria, Cecelia Ullander, Jay Primas, Caron Brennan, Katarina Carlgren, Jacob Primas, Kathryn Petrowich, Carolyn Petrowich, Sue Petrowich, Amanda Petrowich, Gayle Petrowich,
Melissa Petrowich, Carole Jacobson, Brittany Meikle, Kari Meikle, Eric Lehmann, Kristin Lehmann
Middle row:
Jonathan Hultkvist on Glenn Hill’s lap, Donna Primas, Kyle Brennan, Jim Petrowich, Carol Primas,
Ted Petrowich, Bruce Brennan, Anne-Kristin Hultkvist, Gabrielle Lehmann
Front row:
Benjamin Lehmann, Jessica Primas, Julia Hultkvist, Hanna Hultkvist, Mathilda Carlgren, Nicholas Meikle
Behind the camera: Thomas Carlgren
We had a big family tree poster on the garage wall so we could figure out how everyone was related!
More Visitors!
In April 2010 four cousins from Finland arrived in Chicago and gave us a good reason to have another party! Franciska and Goran Sundholm along with Markku and Tarja Kedrin received a tour of Diehl family locations in Chicago. They also met many US cousins for the first time at a gathering at the home of Donna Primas and Glenn Hill.
We enjoy visiting with our extended family and showing them the best of beautiful Chicago!